On October 24, 2017, SDO presented Grant Union High School (GUHS) with a Peace Pole, which is our first historic marker that represents peace word wide. The Peace Pole also represents SDO’s desire to serve, create and manifest true peace while transcending differences and celebrating common humanity. The Dedication Ceremony opened with GUHS Drumline and consisted of remarks by Gwen Davis (educator at Grand Union High School and SDO Member At Large) and Dr. Martha Burnett-Collins (SDO member) and spoken word by Soror Dorothy J. Smith-Jackson (SDO Chaplain). We also had Renee Marie, World Peace Representative, speak and show a presentation on her work. Plus Grant students played a video dedicated to peace and their commitment towards world peace. The ceremony was closed with Kamieka Hairston (SDO President) presenting the Peace Pole to GUHS.